Textiles / Asia

SE Asian Beaded Tribal Skirt from Laos

SE Asian Beaded Tribal Skirt from Laos

This handsome woman’s skirt was collected in Attapeu Province in S. Laos and attributed to the Alak people.

Comprised of two tubular panels sewn together along the selvedge to create a garment measuring 60 in. long by 23 in. across. It can be worn gathered and tied above the breasts as a long dress or adjusted around the waist to make a shorter skirt. Woven of heavy homespun cotton dyed black and enlivened by wide bands of supplementary stripes in soft hues of red, yellow and green. Natural indigo stripes also add to its charm, as do the geometric patterns of white glass seed beads woven in along the bottom. The colors and use of beading are similar to that of the Ta-Oi and Cotu of Vietnam. In this area of S. Laos live the Katu, Oy, and Alak. It is likely to have been made by a talented weaver in one of these related groups.

This beautiful textile is in excellent condition and is a visual feast...